Blog: Leading & Living Courageously

Does your team have heart?

As human beings, we need a heart and a brain in order to live.…

Why is excellence so hard to come by?

How many times have you been blown away by the supreme excellence…

Are you making THE difference?

People genuinely want to work together in a more authentic, courageous…

The Power of Starting

Many years ago, I played the classical guitar. At the time I…

Are you promoting ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking?

Most leaders and teams don’t seem to be good at thinking outside…

Move your orientation from Activities to Outcomes, then Breakthroughs

I was participating in a performance review meeting with a successful…

Why are leaders so afraid of facing issues?

I am all about empowering people and I do everything I can to…

Are you able to unplug and disconnect?

I just returned from a successful winter vacation at a great…

What are you out to prove?

Being a leader means adopting a certain point of view about people,…
Are your commitments strong enough to justify your time?

Are your commitments strong enough to justify your time?

Do you have a commitment to any of these things: To be healthy…
Why is it so hard to integrate newly acquired organizations?

Why is it so hard to integrate newly acquired organizations?

I read a staggering statistic which stated that upwards of 80…

Stay real and don’t be blinded by slogans and buzzwords…

The use of catchy slogans internally across organizations and…

Be careful of the two-headed monster!

Accountability is one of these corporate concepts that could…

Are you leading with power or force?

In my work with organizations, I meet many effective managers…

Don’t stop while you are ahead

Most teams make the classic mistake of taking their foot off…

If you don’t have goodwill, you don’t have anything

When making agreements with others what is more important, having…

Complete 2017 in a meaningful way

As we enter the holiday season and end of 2017 it seems appropriate…

Success through Rigor, Clarity and Responsibility

I received a few reactions to last week’s blog about not expecting…