Blog: Leading & Living Courageously

Don’t let past failures stifle your future success
It is a well-known fact that most change initiatives outright…

Are you a good communicator?
Most people are really not great communicators. They assume that…

Are you tolerating toxicity and unproductivity?
In order for a leadership team of any company to truly operate…

How good is your strategy?
I was supporting the senior leadership team of a global service…

Are you failing often enough?
Strange question, you may think, and you are probably right.…

Do you know when to ’empower’ and when to ‘command and control’?
In most organizations, a leader who manages in a command and…

Do you have an attitude of gratitude?
My mother taught me to be polite and say “Please” and “Thank…

Do you talk about your issues or not?
When it comes to communication and conversation, especially about…

Are you open to your possibilities?
If you don’t believe that some future goal is actually achievable…

Are you controlling or empowering?
I don’t think I have ever met an executive, leader or manager…

Never forget the power and magic of Courage
W.H. Murray, the leader of the Scottish Himalayan Expedition…

Are you having courageous conversations?
I'd like to share three true stories with you...
True Story…

If you don’t have a clear outcome and someone who owns it, you have nothing!
I was supporting a group of senior leaders in a global technology…

You can’t have your cake and eat it too…
Words are only cheap when we make them cheap.
It’s no wonder…

What kind of leader do you want to be?
The CEO of a large global service organization was a very strong…

Stop buying into people’s complaints and excuses
When you take on a bold initiative or outcome most of the time…