Blog: Leading & Living Courageously

Complete 2020 in the most meaningful way, especially given COVID-19.
Completing a chapter effectively can be a meaningful and powerful…

Are you standing in your future or in your past?
In 1899 Charles H. Duel, then Director of the U.S. Patent Office,…

How different will the future be?
When COVID was in its infancy, and we were all just starting…

Is the grass really greener on the other side?
I could tell you the tale of a handful of senior executives from…

What gifts have you received during the COVID era?
Recently my wife and I were sitting on the porch drinking our…

Are you developing your team and for the right reasons?
As COVID progresses, leaders need to continue to develop their teams. In fact, in some cases, team development may be more important than ever. It seems that the leaders who developed their teams before COVID continue to do so with extra passion, while those who didn't invest in development before or did it sporadically and/or poorly, continue in the same way.
Which category are you in? Are you developing your team?

Will you lead or lag the virtual revolution?
Just like the smartphone revolutionized the way we live and do business, it is inevitable that COVID will transform the way corporations work and do their business.
Why is this transformation inevitable?
Survival is a very powerful instinct. COVID very abruptly required companies to shift the way they manage their employees and customers, and the way they conduct their business.

What is your mid-term mark for leveraging COVID?
If you had to give yourself and your organization a mid-term mark (four months in) for how powerful you have been in leveraging the COVID era, what would it be?

Complete 2019 in a meaningful way
Effectively completing a chapter can be a meaningful and powerful…

Are you living in and enjoying the moment?
A powerful quote by Alfred D'Souza, which I have shared in the…

Are you energizing and inspiring your people?
Some time ago, in a meeting I was facilitating, people were going…

Success through Rigor, Clarity, and Responsibility
Often when managers and employees feel frustrated about other's…

Are you driving outcomes or activities?
So often, when teams define their strategy, they tend to target…

Can you tolerate brutal honesty?
There are two types of leaders – those who can only tolerate…

Are you a micromanager?
Employee performance is directly linked to their sense of ownership,…

Can you commit to change and stay the course?
When it comes to generating change, there are two types of teams……

Are you afraid to say “I don’t know” and “I need help”?
I was working with a large global technology company that was…